AVIO Consulting

Getting Started with Oracle BPM

Feb 7, 2010 | BPM

Here are a few links that might help if you are just getting started with Oracle BPM. 

Oracle Product Management’s Oracle BPM main page

Oracle Technical Network’s (OTN) Oracle BPM forum – You can ask any type of question about Oracle BPM on this forum. 

Oracle BPM Documentation – Start here if you are using Oracle BPM 10g. There is a tutorial on this page that helps some people get started. The tutorial is confusing in a few places, so be sure to ping this forum for help when/if you need it.  I will add an entry on this blog that will help you work around the errrors. 

Oracle BPM PAPI (API) Documentation 

Oracle BPM Software download page 

Oracle BPM Software configuration matrix