AVIO Consulting

AVIO Releases an ICS Maven Plugin

Mar 27, 2018 | Maven, Oracle

AVIO Releases an ICS Maven Plugin

Released today, the AVIO ICS Maven plugin has been released to Maven Central.

Oracle ICS (Integration Cloud Service) is a cloud platform with a web-based interface used to quickly build integrations between cloud and on-premise applications.

The ICS Maven plugin helps make the software development lifecycle simpler by scripting exports, imports, activation and more, allowing developers to easily store their code in source control, and automate the promotion to other cloud environments.

Check out https://www.avioconsulting.com/blog/avio-ics-maven-plugin for more details.

Source code in GitHub at: https://github.com/avioconsulting/ics-maven-plugin

To use in your pom, just add the packaging type, and plugin details (See README) :


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Happy Cloud Developing!