Writing PL/SQL Unit Tests in SQL

Writing PL/SQL Unit Tests in SQL

Overview PL/SQL Procedures more times than not implement complex business rules and logic.  DBMS output statements and the SQL Developer debugger are tools that can assist when initially testing the procedure but when a change is made to a procedure it must...
Writing PL/SQL Unit Tests in SQL

AVIO Releases an ICS Maven Plugin

AVIO Releases an ICS Maven Plugin Released today, the AVIO ICS Maven plugin has been released to Maven Central. Oracle ICS (Integration Cloud Service) is a cloud platform with a web-based interface used to quickly build integrations between cloud and...
Writing PL/SQL Unit Tests in SQL

AVIO ICS Maven Plugin

AVIO ICS Maven Plugin. I began getting my feet wet (shameless self-advertising) and took in the whole ICS experience. It has been a fun adventure working in ICS, mastering the art of deactivating, editing, fixing, saving, activating, and finally testing… only to...
Writing PL/SQL Unit Tests in SQL

Overcoming Javascript Numeric Precision Issues

In Javascript, all numbers are encoded as double precision floating point numbers, following the international IEEE 754 standard. This format stores numbers in 64 bits, where the number, the fraction (AKA mantissa), is stored in bits 0 to 51, the exponent in bits 52...