AVIO Consulting

Noble Energy – Master Data Management

Jan 1, 1970 | Case Studies

Noble Energy, Inc. is a leading independent energy company with a diverse portfolio of high-quality assets, a track record of success and a sound strategy for the future. Broad-based operations include the exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas in the U.S. and internationally.

Business Challenge:

  • Rapid growth through acquisition and merger1 resulted in operational and accounting data residing across a myriad of departmental systems 
  • Point-to-Point Integrations to facilitate sharing of information expensive to develop and maintain 
  • Swivel Chair access to and transfer of information cumbersome and prone to error
  • Experiencing double digit growth
  • 100’s hours each month dedicated to data entry/data mining
  • Uncertainty around data accuracy
  • Strict regulatory reporting requirements

Our solution:

  • Noble partnered with AVIO to design and develop a solution that orchestrates data transfer across systems effectively and efficiently
  • Enforce business rules around when and what data and to whom
  • Demonstrate that growth can happen without adding people
  • Mechanism to address for data quality issues

Business Impact:

  • Data is pushed to subscribing systems real time, such that systems participating have the same information (one version of the truth)
  • Improved Data Quality, Manual Entry Eliminated
  • Increased data availability, eliminated data inaccuracy
  • Confidence in the quality of data restored
  • Zero personnel growth required

The Business Challenge

A major oil and gas producer sought AVIO’s help to share data in a scalable and highly reusable architecture across an array of isolated departmental systems. The independent energy company has a diverse portfolio of high-quality assets, a track record of success, and a sound strategy for the future. Its broad-based operations include the exploration, development, and production of crude oil and natural gas in the U.S. and internationally.

Our Client’s Needs

Our client’s business’ rapid growth through acquisition and merger resulted in operational and accounting data residing across a myriad of departmental systems. Point-to-point integrations to facilitate sharing of information could not solve the problem because they’re expensive to develop and maintain. Without point-to-point integrations, information required by multiple systems had to be entered separately in each individual system. Duplicating data entry wasted time and increased the likelihood of errors.

On the other hand, swivel chair access to and transfer of information would be cumbersome and prone to error. And because the company was experiencing double-digit growth, hundreds of hours each month were dedicated to data entry and data mining. Over time, uncertainty around data accuracy in the client’s data systems developed amidst strict regulatory reporting requirements. Regulation around activities such as paying returns to investors demanded data to be accurate and consistent across all systems. The growing compliance concerns needed a solution, fast.

The oil and gas producer needed a designated system of record into which data could be entered once and from which it would then propagate reliably down to the other systems.


AVIO’s Solution

The oil and gas production company partnered with AVIO to design and develop digital acceleration solutions that would effectively and efficiently orchestrate data transfer across systems. We decided to leverage master data management (MDM). Master Data Management refers to the process of defining for an organization how its master data and reference data would be created, maintained, integrated, and used across its various departments.

Master data refers to all data in an organization that is critical in the operations of the business. It revolves around people, places, and things. Typically, it does not include transactional data, though there are particular circumstances where transactional data could be treated as master data.

MDM would streamline data integration and improve the client’s data assets like customer data, product data, location data, asset data, etc. It would also enhance poorly managed master information by linking all their essential business data to one reference point. This would, in turn, reduce errors and make their business process less redundant.

AVIO’s master data management solutions would create a master data management program. The program would manage the client’s various master data entity types in its source systems, including location, customer, product, asset, and employee. It would create a mechanism for addressing data quality issues. It would also enforce business rules around when and what data and to whom.

Successful implementation of MDM would simplify data governance for the company’s data steward. AVIO needed to demonstrate that growth can happen without adding people.

How AVIO Helped

Our client has seen a dramatic increase in data quality. Establishing a single, integrated system of record has minimized the likelihood of human error. Data is pushed to subscribing systems in real-time, such that systems participating have the same information (one version of the truth). And while the individual target systems remain editable, any data entered manually is overwritten the next time the corresponding field is updated in the system of record.

This increase in data quality and the time saved by eliminating redundant data entry have enabled them to handle the volume increase resulting from their rapid growth, without adding personnel. MDM has brought about increased data availability and eliminated data inaccuracy. As a result, confidence in the quality of data has been restored.

We leveraged our digital transformation customer services to help our client solve their business problem. Now, they’re more efficient, more reliably compliant, and better positioned for competitive advantage in a rapidly changing market. We can help you solve your business problems too.

AVIO Consulting provides the formula to accelerate digital evolution and innovation. We offer thought leadership and proven practices for modern software development as well as a highly productive delivery team focused on enterprise integration with the MuleSoft platform. Contact us today, and take the first step toward a more efficient and effective enterprise.