AVIO Consulting

Six Winning Best Practices for Getting Started with BPM in the Cloud

Jul 23, 2015 | BPM

Moving BPM operations to the cloud frees up resources and money. One of the biggest benefits is the speed at which companies can get started. Getting the Oracle Process Cloud Service setup in the cloud, of course, is blazingly fast compared to an on-premise install. It also is more flexible from a cost and commitment perspective as there’s no need to install and implement complex initiatives on premise. Here are a few simple tips for ensuring cloud-based BPM success:

  1. Establish a Business Process Competency Center (BPCC)—This center will provide a centralized “warehouse” for information addressing governance, resource and asset management needs, and best practice application. Hosting it in the cloud makes it easily accessible.
  2. Take Notes and Build Awareness—Document process models and use modeling tools to conduct simulations. Educate the organization about the cloud and BPM, then work to establish common goals to establish a well-defined and supported initiative.
  3. Put a Collaborative Model in Place—Often, for cloud BPM to be successful, you’ll need the cooperation of geographically dispersed teams. Implement business activity monitoring and analytics to help monitor KPIs and establish an effective governance model.
  4. Prove Value with Pilot Projects—Develop small implementations with workflow, rules, forms and, if needed, case management. Avoid pilots that would require heavy integrations. Use them to show value to the business and prove the benefits to stakeholders.
  5. Integrate Your New System—Pull together legacy, composite applications with web services. Leverage a tool such as the Oracle Integration Cloud Service to get your infrastructure team involved to figure out how to best reuse assets and align the new cloud-based BPM with various enterprise IT investments.
  6. Waste not, want not—Make sure you’re supporting efficient reuse of business applications. They should be reusable across business, product and geographical lines in order to maintain consistency and scalability.

Cloud-based BPM combines application development with process support benefits. Organizations can build smarter, more flexible applications tailored to serve end users. Read our recent newsletter article, Real-world Realities and Implications of Business Process Management in the Cloud, to learn more about the benefits of cloud-based BPM.