AVIO Consulting

How Utilizing AI in a Low-Code Environment Can Transform Your Business

Jul 30, 2019 | Uncategorized

Artificial intelligence is undeniably a part of the future of business. Every year, we see new products, use cases, and industries that are born due to AI-fueled technology. The intelligent automation market is expected to grow to $230 billion by 2025, and that’s just one capability AI provides.

While many business leaders can see that AI will play a key role in shaping what their companies will look like in the years to come, they still struggle with picturing how that change will happen and what it will look like. 54% say the main challenge of using AI is their current workforce lacking the proper skills to implement the new technology. Another 35% say they’re still not even sure what use cases to apply it to. 


Using Low-Code for AI Implementation

That first challenge may not be the barrier to entry business leaders think it is. With the introduction of low-code solutions, getting started with AI technology has become much easier and faster. Low-code technology products like Appian enable developers to more efficiently re-use elements of code they’ve already written, rather than starting from scratch every time they work on a new technology. 

Using low-code can produce applications anywhere from six to 20 times faster than creating custom code each time. This makes it possible to start building an application right out of the box, without having to put up a lot of boiler-plate code. The simplicity low-code brings to the process also saves you from having to do unnecessary testing, you really just need to test your business logic instead of the technical plumbing. 


Three Use Cases for Low-Code AI

Low-code can help you get started on implementing AI faster, but that doesn’t solve the problem of identifying use cases for the technology.  There are three main areas many businesses are starting to see the benefit of using low-code AI.  


1. Business Process Management (BPM)

Many business processes grow out of finding a solution to a need that works in the moment, rather than taking a more thoughtful approach to determining the most efficient way to do things. Implementing any BPM platform requires a business to slow down and think through the processes they use currently and how they can be improved. 

When you use a BPM platform that enables AI, like Appian, it can help identify tasks that can be automated. Experts predict that up to 50% of all business tasks can be automated, at least partially. You can use the technology to take tedious, repetitive tasks off employees’ plates, so they can focus on the work that requires human insight. 

The specific types of work AI can be applied to will depend on what your business does. As one example, optical character recognition can help you digitize and summarize documents, using AI to recognize the words on the page and find patterns in meaning. That’s a functionality that could save your human employees countless hours of work and help you establish more efficient processes.


2. Customer Experience (CX)

CX may not be the most obvious use case for using AI, since it’s an area where a human touch can make a big difference. Nonetheless, it’s one of the most popular areas for AI implementation. 55% of respondents in one Gartner survey said they expect to use machine learning in CX in the coming years.

Customer service departments can use AI tools to track the common questions that come in and identify the answers customers find most helpful. The tool automates the process of finding the right answer for customers, simultaneously saving employees’ time and improving CX. 

With the rise in chatbots, you can use low-code AI to build a user interface where customers can get to those answers themselves a significant portion of the time. The smaller percentage of cases where a human is required, services like Google Cloud Natural Language can leverage sentiment analysis to recognize that and send the customer to a human representative. 


3. Personalization

AI is also useful for analyzing the data you’ve collected from customers and prospects to better serve up relevant promotions and recommendations. This is another potential use of AI-driven chatbots. An AI tool can follow the actions a prospect takes on your website, along with any answers it provides in the chatbox, and use that information to present visitors with the offers they’re most likely to respond to. 

Humans play an important role in creating the right messaging and design, but AI can analyze data on a scale we can’t, and use that analysis to get the best message to a consumer at the moment it’s most likely to make an impact.


Is Your Company Ready for Low-Code AI?

Before you incorporate AI into your business, it’s important to take a thoughtful approach to identify where the technology can benefit your team and your customers. Look into the different low-code AI tools available today. Think through the best applications for the technology at your company. Then craft a plan for how to roll out the new technology with minimal disruption.

It’s a delicate process and one that can have consequences if you don’t get it right, but it’s also a change that can improve efficiency at your company at the same time that it improves your sales and CX. You don’t have to figure it all out alone. You can reduce the risks and increase the chances of a successful implementation if you work with experienced consultants to create your plan and execute on it.