AVIO Consulting

Replay for Business Transformation Webinar Featuring Catalina Marketing Available

Jul 22, 2010 | BPM

On Thursday, July 8th, Avio and Catalina Marketing presented a webinar to discuss how Catalina leveraged an enterprise wide Oracle BPM strategy to help them innovate and provide more efficient services and solutions to their customers and partners.  For those of you who were unable to participate in the live webinar, the replay is now available: 

Enterprise-wide BPM: Bridging All People, All Processes and All Systems

Brad Schulz and Jose Jimenez presented how Oracle BPM is being leveraged across the enterprise at Catalina as the backbone of a business transformation effort and provided some great real life commentary on how BPM can provide positive change within an organization.  They provided great insight on why they were using BPM, some of the organization challenges they faced which led them to identifying a need for BPM, their Oracle BPM implementation, lessons learned, and how they prioritize BPM projects.  For any organization early in their BPM adoption maturity curve, the presentation by Catalina Marketing will provide some tremendous insight.